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Clinical Supervision
and Consultation

Radiant Pathways offers clinical supervision and client consultation for licensure.


At Radiant Pathways, we offer both Individual and Dyadic/Group supervision conducted virtually by an AAMFT Approved Supervisor.













Radiant Pathways supervisor, Jacob Sandoval, primarily works with individuals, partners, and families. He also does a lot of work with children, teens, and their families. While Jacob is not certified in Internal Family Systems (IFS), he often uses aspects of this approach with clients and when conceptualizing cases. Jacob also utilizes other systemic approaches including: narrative, collaborative, and solution-focused therapies. He works with LGBTQ clients and has experience providing WPATH (v8) letters of support for gender-affirming care. Jacob's primary research area throughout graduate school was in LGBTQ cultural competency training for mental health professionals. Since completing the sex therapy and sex education certificate program through University of Michigan, Jacob also specializes in these areas and is actively developing programming for them.

As a supervisor, Jacob takes a collaborative approach with supervisees. Rather than supervision being a simple question-answer time, Jacob prefers to engage in discussions with supervisees about their cases. During dyadic or group supervision, this becomes a collaborative discussion involving everyone. Supervisees can expect to share their thoughts, have a space to consider their approach, and learn about alternative approaches. Jacob typically conceptualizes cases from a systemic perspective. He also likes to work on framing things from critical theories, examining the role of power, privilege, and oppression in therapy and in client experiences. When there are no cases to talk about, supervisees can expect to discuss care for the therapist, self of the therapist, skill building, and learning about techniques that other therapists are using in their work.


Jacob conducts consultation and supervision in the same way, offering consultation in 30-minute increments and supervision in 1-hour increments. Clinical supervision requires a signed supervision agreement and will be able to be counted toward licensure supervision, subject to approval by the supervisee's licensing board. Consultation does not require a supervision agreement, will not count toward licensure supervision, and may be utilized by professionals with temporary and permanent license types. 


Clinical supervision for licensure is only available in Colorado. Clinical consultation is available nationwide, and to professionals of any training background.






Individual Clinical Supervision (per hour): $80

Dyadic/Group Supervision (per hour): $50/person


Clinical Consultation (per 30 minutes): $20

​"AAMFT Approved Supervisor Designation is the highest and most prestigious designation in the MFT field. Our Approved Supervisors fulfill stringent education and clinical training requirements to achieve this designation. Becoming an AAMFT Approved Supervisor demonstrates a strong commitment of developing one’s supervisory skills as well as helping the next generation of systemic family therapists. It is recognized globally and accepted by most US state licensing boards requiring MFT supervision."

--American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

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